In Asia at the very least, I do think the young technology is paying out much more consideration to footwear and sportswear like Nike, adidas and New Equilibrium. After i first arrived back eight several years in the past they were having to pay extra consideration to attire. Now it’s the alternative. They’re ready to devote more cash on footwear and fewer on clothing.
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I do think it’s vital to remain pertinent also to know very well what the next generation would like, and what’s eye-catching to them. But I think my purpose as being a retailer is to locate a balance. I’m in excess of the age of thirty now and what I value now, what I feel could be dope, it’s Probably a thing the following era will sense down the line.
浦:水边、岸边。登高望远,胸怀顿时舒畅,超逸的兴致迅速升起。遥:远望。襟:胸襟。甫:顿时。畅:舒畅。兴:兴致。遄:迅速。爽籁:清脆的排箫音乐。籁,管子参差不齐的排箫。遏:阻止,引申为“停止”。白云遏:形容音响优美,能驻行云。睢园绿竹:睢园,即汉梁孝王菟园,梁孝王曾在园中聚集文人饮酒赋诗。凌:超过。彭泽:县名,在今江西湖口县东,此代指陶潜。陶潜,即陶渊明,曾官彭泽县令,世称陶彭泽。樽:酒器。睢园绿竹,气凌彭泽之樽:今日盛宴好比当年梁园雅集,大家酒量也胜过陶渊明。邺水:在邺下(今河北省临漳县)。邺下是曹魏兴起的地方,三曹常在此雅集作诗。曹植在此作《公宴诗》。朱华:荷花。光照临川之笔:临川,郡名,治所在今江西省抚州市,代指即谢灵运。谢灵运曾任临川内史。四美:指良辰、美景、赏心、乐事。另一说,四美:音乐、饮食、文章、言语之美。二难:指贤主、嘉宾难得。睇眄:看。中天:长天。穷睇眄于中天:极目远望天空宇宙:喻指天地。迥:大盈虚:消长,指变化。数:定数,命运。识盈虚之有数:知道万事万物的消长兴衰是有定数的。吴会:古代绍兴的别称,绍兴古称吴会、会稽,是三吴之首(吴会、吴郡、吴兴),唐代绍兴是国际大都市,与长安齐名。荀隐,颖川人。颖川地近京城。 后以‘日下’喻‘京都’。南溟:南方的大海。天柱:传说中昆仑山高耸入天的铜柱。北辰:北极星,比喻国君。山:险关和高山。悲:同情,可怜失路:仕途不遇。萍水相逢:浮萍随水漂泊,聚散不定。比喻向来不认识的人偶然相遇。帝阍:天帝的守门人。此处借指皇帝的宫门奉宣室,代指入朝做官。贾谊迁谪长沙四年后,汉文帝复召他回长安,于宣室中问鬼神之事。宣室,汉未央宫正殿,为皇帝召见大臣议事之处。
【翻译】 这里是汉代的豫章郡城,如今是洪州的都督府,天上的方位属于翼,轸两星宿的分野,地上的位置连结着衡山和庐山。以三江为衣襟,以五湖为衣带、控制着楚地,连接着闽越。物类的精华,是上天的珍宝,宝剑的光芒直冲上牛、斗二星的区间。人中有英杰,因大地有灵气,陈蕃专为徐孺设下几榻。雄伟的洪州城,房屋像雾一般罗列,英俊的人才,像繁星一样地活跃。城池座落在夷夏交界的要害之地,主人与宾客,集中了东南地区的英俊之才。都督阎公,享有崇高的名望,远道来到洪州坐镇,宇文州牧,是美德的楷模,赴任途中在此暂留。正逢十日休假的日子,杰出的友人云集,高贵的宾客,也都不远千里来到这里聚会。文坛领袖孟学士,文章的气势像腾起的蛟龙,飞舞的彩凤,王将军的武库里,藏有像紫电、青霜这样锋利的宝剑。由于父亲在交趾做县令,我在探亲途中经过这个著名的地方。我年幼无知,竟有幸亲身参加了这次盛大的宴会。
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Within the evening session Stuart Bingham defeat Judd Trump 6–three. Once the match Bingham stated: "I am above the moon. I'd just a little tear there with the table, due to the fact it has been quite a long time. It's been difficult.
【翻译】 悠闲的彩云影子倒映在江水中,整天悠悠然地漂浮着;时光易逝,人事变迁,不知已经度过几个春秋。